
We get called to the table when an organization has a lot at stake. Whether it’s capitalizing on growth or reaching a consensus on the next steps, our “sweet spot” is strategically positioning businesses and stakeholders to seize opportunities through thorough planning and readiness.
Feeling stuck? Moving forward fast? Let’s have a conversation.




We bring clarity to complexity. Our candid approach to business planning promotes inclusivity, purpose, and advancement across all levels. Our method is dynamic and embraces neurodiversity. We are committed to asking the hard questions, blending curiosity with analysis, and harnessing collective knowledge to offer clear strategic guidance, consensus, and communication that resonates with everyone.

Business Planning

Planning is a process - not a template. While the outcome may be a business plan, the true purpose of planning is clear: to assist startup founders, corporate executives, and senior teams in defining their offerings, validating market positioning, developing their organizations, and articulating their business acumen to investors and stakeholders. Most importantly, a plan establishes a compass for operations, business continuity planning, and financial viability.

Strategic Planning

We tackle strategic planning with critical thinking, approachable facilitation, and creative engagement.

Our group loves to dive into the envisioning process, to rally stakeholders to the table and promote mutually shared values, mission and action. We work in both private and public sectors and are well versed in grant applications that make strategic planning viable and demonstrative. We’ll work with your organization’s challenges and align your vision with an actionable strategy.

It’s an excellent time for team building. Let’s have some fun.

Business Recovery

Things change and challenges arise. You may be still in pandemic recovery, or you may have operational disruption due to lack of resources or supply chain issues. Then there are market changes. We help businesses tap into business assistance programs, adapt operations to stabilize, and then we work to move beyond status quo. We believe that great opportunities are found during difficult times. There is short-term recovery; and there’s resilience.

Can your business withstand future challenges?

Business Process Review

Are you spending too much money getting a product to market, too much time closing a client, or just too much effort on initiatives? We look at all kinds of processes to see where your operations can run with ease. We dive deep into your operations, analyzing your current processes to identify bottlenecks, redundancies, and areas for improvement. Our experienced consultants work closely with your team to understand your business inside and out and identify improvements that will enhance productivity, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction. And we help you implement them. Because words, without actions, are meaningless.

Change Management

Change is good, and it doesn't have to be disruptive. We’re here to guide your business through transitions smoothly and effectively. We help you navigate the complexities of change, whether it's a shift in strategy, restructuring, team performance initiatives or a new technology implementation. Our consultants work alongside your team to create a custom change management plan, facilitating communication, managing resistance, and ensuring stakeholders are aligned and engaged every step of the way. We don't just manage change; we promote it as a strategic advantage, fostering growth and innovation. Let’s leverage change for success.

Risk Mitigation

One of our senior team members is often overheard saying, “it’s my job to poke holes”. We manage risk by identifying potential problems, threats, and situations that need to be considered so our clients do not say: “whoa, I didn’t see that coming”. We assess the impact of certain risks to your business, and formulate proactive strategies to reduce their likelihood and severity. Our consultants have experience in stakeholder management, reputational risk, cybersecurity, and health and safety. Our intent is to ensure every decision you make is informed. We look through the lens of potential risk to help create predictability in a world of uncertainties.



Funders &


It’s our 

to make

your business


Whether it’s a new business or new project, we can help.

We build businesses by thinking differently.

Are you ready to make things happen?